

It's always the things you hate at first that you end up loving the most...

Eka-pada-rajakapotasana -
Andrzej Radka

Pigeon used to be my most dreaded pose... now, I look forward to it like nothing else.

It was a good class this morning. Dave came and slid all over his mat - need to get him a yogitoes... actually, maybe I'll give him my old one and I'll indulge in a new, deity one - love the ganesha!

Before class, I sprayed my Chakra 2 body mist from Aveda on my mat and an hour into class, when we finally got to lay down, it was the best little surprise of a fragrance - must do it again!

Hope you're having a great weekend!!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I have 2 ashtanga mat blankets if you want them.