
HOW Conference - day 1

I just got home an hour ago from the opening night of the HOW Conference. Luckily it's in Boston this year and is within walking distance!

I met up with my friend, Amy, for the opening keynote, presented by
trendhunter.com founder, Jeremy Gutsche. Very slick presentation, with a clear message to, well, get more creative basically. Had some good insights into how to create "culture obsession"... cool stuff, very inspiring.

We then moved on to the resource center opening with drink tickets in hand... only to emerge 2 hours later weighed down with enough paper samples, swatch books, t-shirts, promo gear, bags - you name it - to feed a designer-army! I'm looking forward to heading back tomorrow morning when the frenzy is over to actually talk with the vendors and hear everything there is about the latest trends in green papers, printing, etc.. There is just so much it's

Anyways, off to bed. Making sure to wear f-l-a-t-s tomorrow!

1 comment:

Keyse said...

I love free stuff! I bet you are going to learn a ton :)