So after months of refusing to give in, I finally did and test drove some harem pants today. While I'll admit, they are kinda cute, the pleats left me feeling a little pear-ish. Dave hates them. I'm on the fence. Although, my gawwd are they comfy!
oh and don't fret about me just yet - I dropped all of $6 on them at an EXPRESS sale :)
Up until now I thought there was no such thing as a cute pair of harem pants (I hated the look from the moment I saw the first pictures from the runways)... But I have to admit, these are actually pretty nice. And for six bucks it's not as though they were a major investment - might as well keep them!
mmmm... MC Hammer's lost capri collection
cute! husband HATES them on me too.
i fret about the whole disappearing crotch action in these pants. but you look great in them. my boyfriend hates them too. ahhahaha. oh well!
keep!! so cute, and for $6.00 bucks, you won't feel bad if you never or only wear them a couple of times...
Up until now I thought there was no such thing as a cute pair of harem pants (I hated the look from the moment I saw the first pictures from the runways)... But I have to admit, these are actually pretty nice. And for six bucks it's not as though they were a major investment - might as well keep them!
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